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About the eBook

“Orion is a bustling cauldron of activity.It’s a treasure-trove of beauty and astonishing detail for comprehensive study."
Jennifer Wiseman

This is a different sort of legends book.

Mini sagas are short passages of exactly 50 words. Each phrase carries a renewed burden in the storytelling process. If you enjoy legends series, fairy tales and other types of folklore, then you'll enjoy these sagas.

This collection of 26 epic stanzas chronicles the life of Orion, one of the greatest legends in ancient mythology. Why are the constellations so easy to trace? Why is our hero flanked by Canus Major and Minor in the night sky?

The answers to the above questions, plus birth of the great hunter’s son (our addition to the legend), await you inside. The ancients would marvel at their stories being told on today's smartphones and tablets.

ORION SAGAS is also available in audio book for $10.

Praise from Readers

"As a Twitter-era twist on ancient stories, it's rather creative! And it might be a good way to get kids with short attention spans intrigued by the age-old myths, and want to read more."
Nicole R.
"It was interesting to learn how Orion came into existence. The way the sagas were presented made it easy to follow his life, from creation to eternal life in the stars."
Becca B.
"Succinct and to the point. Reads like a children's novel. Greek mythology in a brief."
Sal N.
"I was one of those geeky kids with a telescope. Orion was a favorite destination. I didn't know the history of the hunter himself."
Don L.
"I like the format. This doesn't read like it had very specific constraints. The flow is great. There were a couple of places where the mythology was lost on me. All in all, a fun read!"
Jennifer M.

Perfect for:

Life's “in-between” moments: commutes, subway, airport, cooking, grocery store, waiting on line, background at work, warmup before sporting event, intermission and more.

Sample Saga

Torn was the son of Orion from the Book of the Sky.

He catalogued smalls: fescue needles, worm tunnels, locust songs and pinholes of light winking over the knoll.

His favorite was Regulus.

Legends say Orion pierced the sky during swordplay, revealing infinite wonder windows.

The radiance beyond tantalized Torn.

* * * * * * * * *

Best of all? Orion Sagas is FREE!

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This publication features traditional
book formatting and a full-color cover.

ORION SAGAS is also available in audio book for $10.